Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Town Clerk Awaiting Legal Opinion on Salafia Wins

According to Middletown Town Clerk Linda Bettancourt, it is not up to the Clerk's office to decide as to whether Linda Salafia, a Republican candidate who won seats on both the Common Council and the Board of Ed, can serve in both capacities, or not.

The city attorney is reviewing state law which limits the ability of elected officials to serve on board or committee seats that may be conflicts, and is expected to rule soon about the situation.

Another alternative would be that Salafia could decide to sit on only one of the elected seats, and that would alleviate the need for a ruling.

According to Bettancourt, the city has been faced with officials who were elected to two offices, but in every case in recent memory, the candidate decided to select one seat over another.

The Town Clerk is awaiting the decision of the attorney, or the candidate, to officially declare "winners" to the Secretary of State's office.

Depending on the course of action, Nick Fazzino is next in line, in terms of total votes, if he were asked to step into a Council space, and Cheryl McClellan is next in line for any open Board of Education spot for a Republican.


  1. Interesting issue. Also, if Ms. Salafia decides, or is forced, to only take one office will the next in line get the seat, or does it become a vacant seat that is filled by the Council?

  2. Except for vacancies in the Offices of the Mayor and/or Deputy Mayor, the Common Council, at a regular or special meeting duly warned for that purpose and next following a Declaration of Permanent Vacancy in an Elective Office, shall, by a majority of those present and voting, fill any such vacancy. Such appointee shall be a member of the same political party as the predecessor in said office and shall serve the remainder of the term of office of the elected official whose position he/she has been appointed to fill.

    City Charter, Section 8, Vacancy in Office


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