Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Trumpeter Nadje Noordhuis plays with Noah Baerman

Nadje Noordhuis performs at Russell Library November 1st.

This coming Sunday, November 1st at 1:30pm The Hubbard Room at Russell Library will host Resonant Motion, Inc. as it presents the fourth and final installment in the 2015 Jazz Up Close series with trumpet player and composer Nadje Noordhuis, forming part of a trio featuring bassist Henry Lugo and pianist/series curator Noah Baerman. 
Originally from Sydney, Australia, Noordhuis moved to New York in 2003 to pursue graduate study at the Manhattan School of Music and has since become a fixture on the New York and global jazz scenes. Her distinctive and authoritative trumpet playing can be heard in acclaimed groups including Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society, the Diva Jazz Orchestra and Rudy Royston’s 303, which recently completed its second residency at New York’s hallowed jazz club the Village Vanguard. Her eponymous debut album on Little Mystery Records is an eclectic and energetic collection of original music on which “tenderness and melody reign supreme” (Michael J. West, JazzTimes). This program is made possible by the generosity of the Middletown Commission on the Arts.

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