Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Events at Russell Library

Russell Library is a hub of activity this September.
September marks the start of the school year, and Russell Library is reflecting that same energy. In addition to our children's programming, our reading and writing groups, and the beginning of the monthly Friends' Book Sales, we've got some special events planned!
September 12th at 2:00 p.m.:  Jazz Up Close Resonant Motion, Inc. and series curator Noah Baerman presents the third of four installments in the 2015 Jazz Up Close series. Renowned drummer and composer Victor Lewis will be featured in a trio with bassist Henry Lugo and pianist Noah Baerman.
September 15th at noon: We begin the first of our film discussion series. This series is entitled, Pre-Code Hollywood: Sin on the Silver Screen, featuring four films that were made before the censorship system was instituted in 1934. The first film is "One Hour With You" from 1932.

September 15th, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m.: We are privileged to be part of the New England tour of a Mexican puppet company called Facto Teatro. Along with New York City-based Great Small Works and German puppeteer Barbara Steinitz, the troupe will perform Three Toy Theater Tales: A Puppet Show for family audiences. Thanks goes to La Boca Restaurant and Cantina for donating dinner to the performers!
September 17th, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.: Award winning dancer/choreographer Eiko Otake will be performing A Body in a Library as part of her solo series, “The Body in Places” in the public spaces of Russell Library. A discussion with the audience follows the performance. 


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