Monday, August 3, 2015

Summer Sounds Series - Harbor Park! Nekita Waller Band - August 4

The City Arts Office/MCA present the annual Summer Sounds series on Tuesdays at Harbor Park through September 1. The shows begin at 7 p.m., there's plenty of parking in the Municipal parking lot at Melilli Plaza (it's free after 7 p.m.). From the parking lot, it's a short walk to the park via the Harbor Park pedestrian tunnel.

Remember that in case of inclement weather the show will go on in the sanctuary of the South Church located at the corner with the YMCA and the City's South Green (Union Park), Main & Pleasant Streets.

Here's the line-up for 2015, starting with this Tuesday's show!

Aug. 4
Nekita Waller Band w/Eric Stanley on violin - Motown pop/soul favorites

Aug. 11
Bootstrap - instrumental riffs on rock/soul hits

Aug. 18
Kenn Morr Band - Americana/folk-rock

Aug. 25
Elite Syncopation - ragtime/early jazz

Sept. 1
Middletown Symphonic Band - popular tunes

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