Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New Program at The Buttonwood Tree: Sound Healing


Crystal Bowl Sound Healing - New Monthly Event

Join us at Buttonwood for the first session (June 16) of our new monthly event: Crystal Bowl Sound Healing with Lou Sorrentino! Come to relax and heal your body and mind. If you've never tried it, now is the time!

605 Main Street
Middletown, CT 06457


Click below for more.

Third Tuesday of every month (First one on June 16) starting at 7:30 pm
Suggested Donation: $5

What is Sound Healing?

In many cultures, there is the belief that energy flows through various points in the body, often referred to as Chakra. When this flow is balanced, one feels at peace and content. However, the stress of daily life can disrupt these flows and cause sickness or emotional distress.

Lou Sorrentino has performed as a musician for decades and now uses his experience with sound to heal the body. Using crystal bowls crafted for perfect resonance and the wondrous properties of the human voice, Lou restores these energy flows to their proper states and bring peace to our bodies.

Regular participation in sound therapy sessions with singing bowls, voice, instruments and breathing deeply can to assist the body and mind to heal. Sessions can also help with relief from stress-related conditions, strengthen willpower, overcome addiction and reduce pain chronic pain, fatigue and depression as well. Many people report better sleep, improved memory, being “peaceful” and are more aware of surroundings.

We invite you to a sound healing session to experience the healing and relaxation first hand!

Lou Sorrentino

A word from Lou Sorrentino: “For decades, I have presented at group functions using inspiring stories and original musical performance on the piano and guitar. I would be honored to do so since I have been blessed with a mission to use my god-given talents in a fun and engaging style to make people feel at home.”
You can find out more about Lou at his website: http://www.lousorrentino.com/

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