Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Busy Board Of Ed Meeting Tonight

The regular meeting of the Board of Education promises to be a long one tonight.

Under the Consent Agenda, the board will hear a presentation entitled "Redistricting Study Milone and MacBroom," a presentation on "Cafe Services - Healthy Food Certifications," and on "Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Grant."

The Superintendent's report will include discussion of a proposed new bus loop for Farm Hill. The proposed loop would require the removal of trees in front of the school, and their replacement with paving.

The action items include consideration of the Sodexo Contract for school services, adoption of the 2015/16 budget, and consideration of a portable classroom to alleviate overcrowding at Farm Hill.

The meeting begins at 6PM (earlier than usual), in the Common Council Chambers.

Here is the full Agenda.

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