Saturday, May 16, 2015

Russell Library May 18: Reader's Theater

A group of local actors under the direction of Myron Gubitz will present Charles Ives, Take Me Home, by Jessica Dickey on Monday, May 18 at 7pm in the Hubbard Room at Russell Library, 123 Broad Street.  A father's love of music and a daughter's passion for basketball are at odds. Fortunately, they have modernist American composer Charles Ives (a Connecticut native) playing referee. Dissonance, defense and devotion are explored in this poignant yet comedic story.  The New Yorker's theater critic wrote: "Like an Ives sonata -- sometimes jagged, sometimes lyrical -- the play ... is an accomplished, affecting composition."
This program is sponsored by The Friends of the Russell Library.  Light refreshments will be served.

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