Saturday, December 20, 2014

Buttonwood's Closing Weekend Full of Family, Hope and Joy

The last two nights at The Buttonwood Tree brought out groups of folks who sang, danced and rejoiced in an atmosphere of love that was palpable. In a week filled with events, people flocked to TBT to experience the joy of community and family. Last night The Jolly Beggars lifted up the audience as they sang together with the audience traditional Irish tunes and even a joyous version of Silent Night. Laughter and music in the air, Slambovian coffee sold by the pound, new members joined and families came together to enjoy the talents of these young men. It was a night that exemplified the best of The Buttonwood Tree, unifying people in joy, love and appreciation through the arts. Over and over the words are heard, 'I've been meaning to come here for years, I'm so glad I made it here, it's so warm and wonderful.'

Thursday night was the successful launch of a new program offering meditative music and healthy raw foods, in part donated by It's Only Natural market. Folks meditated and danced to the groove of ten musicians including Kalidasa Joseph Getter, Craig Norton, Caelum Massicotte (also the Chef), Virginia Lynn Anderson, Karen Nichols, Xavier Pietri, Ron Hertz, and Durga and Jonathan (event organizers from Massachusetts). 

Creating an atmosphere of love and unity ...

Impromptu singing under the vibes of the Native American ceremonial drum. 

Said Dr. Doreen Stern of Hartford when asked what she thought of the night:
 "I suppose I sensed that Thursday night would be something special, and I was right. East-West fusion Kirtan, with audience members (and even a performer) swaying their bodies in time to the other-worldly experiences they were having. I loved it."

Tonight: La Hot Jazz 8 pm
Sunday: Jazz at 3 pm with Jen Allen, Noah Baerman and Jonathan Barber in Trio 149

TBT will be closed from Dec 22 - Jan 3

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