Friday, September 5, 2014

Quintessential New England Art Show / Poetry Day and Night on Saturday at The Buttonwood Tree

Artist’s Reception: Erik Person

September 5 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sponsored by KRUST Pizza

Erik Person

“I grew up in Connecticut and have always been an enthusiast and seeker of adventure. My parents and family’s constant support and love have a lot to do with the way that I am. My son Jacob first inspired me towards photography. I believe in making the most of what life has to offer. Life is filled with “moments” in time, which often become diluted over years in time. The only way to regain these moments is to follow your dreams, and within your passion will ignite. Truth lies within natures beauty, exemplifying these moments from the past and sparking glimpses of the future. The path has been laid for you, it is time to step forward.”

“Let the beauty we love be what we do”. Rumi

Join us for a reception with complimentary refreshments and the opportunity to speak with the artist.
Erik's website:
Krust Pizza:

Saturday and Sunday The Buttonwoor Tree features poets of all sorts, day and night.

We start at 1pm with the CT Beat Poetry Festival, presented by the Free Poets Collective. That runs til nearly 6, and then at 8 we'll start off with some poetry by the venerable John Basinger. He's followed by some talented gals, Emily and Cali, coming up from NYC to share their musical poetry with us. Check it out:

CT Beat Poetry Festival

September 6 @ 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Donations welcome to support TBT
Come celebrate the contemporary poetry of many out-of-state poets with a bow to the legends of the Beat Era.
Lori Desrosiers’
Virginia Shreve
Mark McGuire-Schwartz
Kate Lamberg
for more info:

SLAM UP!   Opening by John Basinger

September 6 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
$10 / $5 with Student ID

It’s TMI time with Cali & Emily!   Show opens with some poetry by John Basinger

Prepare for a musical ride through the many stages of life and shades of love– requited, unrequited, gay, straight, queer, or, well, just “creative.”
WARNING: Contains wonderfully, hilariously, poignantly, adult material.


CT Beat Poetry Festival

September 7 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The Beats: Their Words, Their Legacy, Their Music
Readings from selected Beat Poets, original poetry performed by The Meeting House Poets, and music of the Beat era performed by pianist David Sergio and New York-based vocalist Janice McCune.  Featured poets are Cassandra Angelo, Jim Govoni, Clare Mazur, Esther McCune, Alexandrina Sergio, Isabelle Bruder Smith and Andy Weatherwax. 
Musician performing:
Janice McCune is a New York City based vocalist, originally from Connecticut.
Janice McCune - Beat Poetry Festival

Donations will be gratefully accepted. 
This presentation is the concluding event of the 2014 Beat Poetry Festival sponsored by the Free Poets Collective. 

 The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts & Cultural Center is located at 605 Main St., next to It's Only Natural market, in UPtown Middletown :)

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