Monday, January 20, 2014

Shakespeare Acting Class for Adults- so much fun!

                         Marcella Trowbridge & Brian Jennings, courtesy of Actor's Equity, Macbeth & the Lady
Hi, friends.
So, I am offering another Shakespeare workshop series for adults; the Shakespeare Acting Laboratory (SAL) 2014. I am excited to share what I am passionate about. What can be seemingly dry at first..or analytical for purely academic proposes- is what thrills me to the chase. The verse and metrical structure, the rhetorical devices and their unending clues…for the actor. Shakespeare’s work is wonderful to read, but I believe it is truly meant to be off the page and out of the mouth. In this class, we will do table work, we will move, we will play. We will explore nuance as we hone our understanding of circumstance and plot, develop character and push our limits towards emotional literacy, clarity, diction, eloquence, strength and vulnerability. Whether folks are professionals or community players, whether they have done theater or Shakespeare in their previous lives or are brand new to the stuff, this can be a transformative class. There are still a couple of spots left, and I am hoping to encourage those folks who have thought something like this might be fun- but feel a little uncertain or felt they couldn’t  justify the time – or money- to just take the leap. I feel so very blessed to do what I love. I hope to share my skills and fuel enthusiasm. Come on out.. or nudge that special someone to just DO IT! It’s going to be an awesome time.           SO- SHAKESPEARE ACTING LAB.      Starts THIS Wednesday, January 22, 7-9:30pm at Middlesex Community College, Chapman Hall. Runs 8 weeks. The cost is $250. Contact or call 860.346.4390 to register.
There’s my pitch. I really hope you’ll come.  -Marcella
Oh- and did I mention we will be doing scene study? Come on, doesn't this scene work photo look like we're having fun?!

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