Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Democratic Candidates Say, "THANK YOU"

From Tom Serra, Democratic Council Majority Leader.
 On behalf of the 2013 Democratic Candidates and myself, I would like to take this editorial opportunity to say “THANK YOU” to the citizens of Middletown who exercised their civic duty and voted yesterday (11/5/13) and overwhelmingly returned us to the municipal offices that we sought. The trust that you have shown in our candidates, our ideals, what we stand for and what we have accomplished together in the past for the City of Middletown is very gratifying.

We enthusiastically look forward to the future to work in a very pragmatic way for the continued betterment of our beloved City of Middletown and its citizens.

Again, “THANK YOU” for the confidence you have shown in our Candidacies and our decision-making processes.


  1. With a 4 to 1 majority the only thing this election proved is that voters truly are sheep... they follow the shepherd with the stick. I give up!

  2. I want to thank everyone who supported me and our GOP team and opportunity to be a council candidate.. We worked very hard door to door and with only a fraction of the funds the dems had. I'm very proud to be part of the GOP and we all always work hard for the citizens of Middletown.
    Congrats to all that won on both parties and good luck


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