Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Polls Open For Primary In Democratic Party For Planning and Zoning

Minimally modified from a press release from Denise Merrill. Secretary of the State Denise Merrill today reminded registered Democrats in Middletown that as of 6:00 a.m. polls are now open for the municipal primary. Secretary Merrill is encouraging enrolled Democrats in Middletown to show up at the polls and cast ballots for Planning and Zoning Commissioner. “It is very important to go out and vote today, because local government is where critical decisions are made regarding local schools, roads, the environment and in general the future of our communities,” said Secretary Merrill, Connecticut’s chief elections official. “These primaries will choose Democratic and Republican general election candidates for November, and we have some very interesting races at the municipal level this year. We have our phone and email hotline up and running should any voter encounter a problem at the polls. Make sure your voice is heard and that you exercise your right to choose the future leaders of your community.” For the municipal primaries, the Secretary of the State’s office and the State Elections Enforcement Commission have opened the Election Day hotline 1-866-SEEC-INFO (1-866-733-2463) to report problems at the polls. In addition, the two agencies are providing an email alert contact – elections@ct.gov – for voters to use if they encounter any difficulties casting ballots during the day. Voters who do use the hotline or email to describe problems can either state their name or report issues anonymously; but are asked to state the town and polling place where they are observing the problems, and provide as many specifics or details as they can. This will greatly assist SEEC or Secretary of the State’s staff to address the issue and find a solution as expeditiously as possible. Voters can go to the Secretary of the State’s website www.sots.ct.gov to see if they are registered to vote and where their polling place is located. Only registered Democrats can vote in the City's primary this year. Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. today.


  1. I voted but it was a hassle. I forgot that in primaries I now have to vote at Wesley.So I wasted time going to South Fire and then having to go over to Wesley. I thought that the change was to save money by consolidating polling places but since Dist. 10 was voting at the firehouse that apparently was not the reason. Can someone explain the reasoning behind confusing voters.

  2. State Rep. Matt LesserSeptember 10, 2013 at 4:05 PM


    You vote in the same location for all elections to city, state and federal office. In your case (and mine) that's at the Wesley School. You'll be voting there in November as well.

    The South Fire District is where you vote for South Fire District elections and referendums -- the Fire District has a separate voting system.

    Voting locations changed for some people last year due to the once-every-ten-years redistricting process.

    They will stay the same at least until 2022.

    If you have other questions about your voter registration, feel free to contact the City's Registrars of Voters.


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