Monday, September 23, 2013


Christine O'Grady writes,
I saw this bird on the south end of Industrial Park Rd about a month ago and thought it might be some type of falcon. I went home and did some research and I think it is an osprey. It was a really big bird and I could not thinking of where there was a large water source was around there sufficient for its habitat. Someone said there are osprey poles/nests on the Mattabassett river somewhere.

Maybe he was just out for a stroll.


  1. Wow! Fantastic photo! That is an interesting bird.

  2. That is a lovely photograph of an osprey. There are osprey nesting platforms in the Mattabesset River in Cromwell Meadows, and elsewhere in the Connecticut River watershed. This one is actually not all that far from water; I saw one once in the East Mojave desert in California.

  3. I've seen it above my yard also although not lately. When I do, my little dogs don't get out much.

  4. Wow, Thanks Brian, I found it very wierd to see one on a light pole. He stayed there for about an hour flying from one pole to another always looking at the pavement. Was wondering what the attraction could be.

  5. I have heard that sometimes birds mistake pavement for water - I wonder if that was the case in this instance.

  6. A few years ago DEEP wildlife biologist told me there are a pair of osprey that live on the train bridge across the Connecticut River. I saw one eating a small bird in my backyard in the North End.


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