Thursday, June 13, 2013

ARTFARM, MxCC offer "User's Guide to Much Ado About Nothing"

ARTFARM and the Continuing Education Division of Middlesex Community College are teaming up to offer a two hour introduction to Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing on Saturday, June 22, 10 am to noon. This class is recommended for anyone planning to see the ARTFARM Shakespeare in the Grove production at Middlesex Community College July 18 -28.
The class, led by production director Dic Wheeler and ARTFARM Artistic Director & lead a
ctress Marcella Trowbridge, will provide a clear and lively general introduction to this popular Shakespeare comedy. What are the main plot lines and sub-plots and how do they intertwine to create the whole? Who are the primary and secondary characters? What are the sources and background of the piece? What are the major themes addressed by the play? What is the physical setting? How does Shakespeare use Language – prose, verse, rhetorical devices, euphuism – to tell the story?
The final thirty minutes will feature the production’s designers and director discussing the vision for this particular production, how artistic choices were made, challenges posed by this play, and taking questions from the class.
The class will be held outdoors in the Grove behind Founder’s Hall at Middlesex Community College, 100 Training Hill Road in Middletown. In case of rain the class will be held in the Cafeteria inside Founder’s Hall. Tuition is $26 and registration is through the Continuing Education Division at MxCC. To register contact: or call (860) 343-5865

Class members are also invited to attend open rehearsals of Much Ado on June 19 and July 2.
For more information about specific class content or about attending the production, contact ARTFARM at (860) 346-4390,,

Photo by Ben Jordan shows Brian Jennings as Benedick and Marcella Trowbridge as Beatrice in rehearsal for ARTFARM’s 2013 production of Much Ado About Nothing.

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