Monday, May 13, 2013

Sumpter To Retire From YMCA After 39 Years Of Service

After dedicating 39 years working
as a lifeguard, camp director, pool operator, fundraiser, director and finally as a chief executive, Frank Sumpter has announced he will be retiring on May 31st as President & CEO of the Middlesex YMCA after 23 years.

“As the guiding force of our association, Frank Sumpter has had a positive impact on thousands of children and families throughout Middlesex County,” said YMCA Board Chair Richard Carella. “Frank will leave behind a vibrant organization that is well positioned for the future and we want to thank him for his visionary leadership as he goes into a well-deserved retirement.”

Sumpter’s accomplishments at the Middlesex YMCA include:
  • Securing funding to address deferred maintenance projects at the Y’s facilities in Middletown and Portland
  • Expanding the Y’s Kids Korner before and after school program, which is now offered in all Middletown Public Schools, as well as some schools in Portland and Cromwell
  • Modernizing the Y’s health and wellness facilities contributing to a 20-percent increase in membership
  • Expanding the structures and program offerings at YMCA Camp Ingersoll leading to a growth in camp enrollment
“My goal from the start has been to build a financially sound organization that could adapt and grow to meet the ever changing needs of our community,” Sumpter said. “I am proud of what we have been able to accomplish, building on the YMCA’s great tradition of service and making it even more relevant in the 21st Century.”

The Board of Directors has appointed 22-year Middlesex YMCA veteran Michele Rulnick to replace Sumpter. Currently the association’s Vice President, Rulnick has received accolades for dramatically increasing the number of children served by the YMCA’s childcare programs and securing vital grants, as well as for her superb operational and strategic planning skills.

“Michele Rulnick has consistently taken on new challenges and expanded her level of influence within the organization,” said Transition/CEO Selection Chair Tommi Laurie. “Michelle is already responsible for $4.8M of the organization’s $6.4M operating budget, so we are fortunate to be in experienced and highly capable hands moving forward.”

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