Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Habitat For Humanity Groundbreaking On Saturday

Middlesex Habitat for Humanity is thrilled to announce that the Ceremonial Groundbreaking for the next Habitat for Humanity house to take place on Saturday, May 11th at 201 Liberty Street in Middletown, CT. The groundbreaking will celebrate the start of the 12th house Middlesex Habitat has built in Middlesex County.

Middlesex Habitat for Humanity purchased the property with a vacant house in November, 2013 and conducted an extensive evaluation to determine if it could be renovated. The house was determined to be beyond repair and the decision was made to demolish the existing structure and build a new home. The three bedroom house is being constructed to full Energy Star standards and is designed to blend in with the existing homes on Liberty Street and the surrounding area.

The house will be fully accessible on the first floor with master bedroom, bath, laundry room, kitchen and living area configured for easy access. The house design was developed with the assistance of Architecture for Humanity, a National non-profit agency committed to assisting agencies and organizations through the volunteer work of professional architects throughout the world.

The 201 Liberty Street House Habitat Partner Family will be introduced at the event. As partners with Middlesex Habitat, the potential homeowners will be participating in the construction of their home, completing at least 400 hours of “sweat equity” in construction and with other Habitat for Humanity activities.

Habitat for Humanity relies on donations to fund the purchase of property and the renovation or construction of houses. Middlesex Habitat for Humanity is very fortunate to have received a $50,000 challenge grant from The Peach Pit Foundation, a Middlesex County Family Foundation committed to helping individuals and families with a step up. Readers interested in partnering with Middlesex Habitat to help fund the Liberty Street house project, can contact Middlesex Habitat for Humanity of CT., Inc. at 860-343-9179.

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