Monday, April 8, 2013

Meet Your Greens! At ION

Join us for green networking & enlightening conversation with Solarize CT
Tuesday, April 16
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
It's Only Natural (ION) Restaurant
Volunteers and representatives from Solarize CT ( will talk about its pilot program to promote the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on residential homes in Durham. Solarize CT is designed to encourage the adoption of residential PV systems by deploying a coordinated education, marketing and outreach effort, combined with a tiered pricing structure that provides increased savings to homeowners as more people in one community go solar. In 20 weeks it helped to more than triple the amount of solar in Durham.

Come as you are and no reservations required!

Meet Your Greens is Middlesex County's monthly green drinks happy-hour network providing opportunities to make connections and exchange news about environmental issues in Middlesex County. Based on the popular Green Drinks in CT and nationwide, this informal gathering of people drawn from the community, nonprofit groups and the business world offers time to brainstorm ideas and plant seeds for collaboration.

Meet Your Greens meets generally every third Tuesday of the month.Venues and times change-- join our e-list for updates and invites by contacting Claire Rusowicz, . You can also join us on Facebook.
Schedule updates are also provided on The Rockfall Foundation website, www.rockfallfoundation.orgQuestions? Please e-mail or call Claire at (860)347-0340.

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