Thursday, April 25, 2013

CCP's Did You Know? Fact #23.

For the past couple of years, New England has seen some pretty wicked weather. Between snow storms, hurricanes, power outages, and the like, a group of first responders known as CERT (also known as) C-CERT came through with aid.

From a Post-Nemo article on C-Cert:

"Wesleyan’s Campus Community Emergency Response Team (C-CERT), made up of trained Wesleyan staff and faculty members, activated three times after Winter Storm Nemo. While Wesleyan’s grounds crew and grounds contractor Stonehedge worked to clear snow from the main campus pathways, sidewalks and parking areas, the C-CERT team worked to inspect and clear all emergency exits near academic and administrative buildings. C-CERT members also assisted Wesleyan staff and faculty on Feb. 13 by directing them to open parking spaces. With a parking ban in effect, employees were not allowed to park on city streets. Wesleyan’s Transportation Services offered shuttle rides for those parking away from campus."

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