Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Officers Elected to Conservation Commission

On Tuesday night there was a regular meeting of the Conservation Commission, and Ellen Lukens and Joan Liska were elected as the new Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively.

Outgoing Chair Jane Brawerman offered her thanks to all the Commission members for their support over the years that she and Sheila Stoane served together to lead the Conservation Commission. Both Jane and Sheila look forward to continuing to work as members to ensure that the City's conservation interests are effectively represented and considered in land use planning and development; that our special natural resources are protected for future generations; and that our environment is healthy for all of our residents, human and otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Ellen and Joan and thanks to Jane and Sheila for their fine work, dedication and service to the city.
    Todd G. Berch
    City of Middletown


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