Monday, December 3, 2012

Campus Coverage of Strip Mall Development

Last week, Wesleyan administrators convened a meeting to gauge community reaction to a proposal to move the Wesleyan bookstore to a strip mall development proposed by local real estate developer Centerplan.

Wesleyan administrators have supported the development by offering to sell a piece of property on the block of Washington Street between Pearl and High, and they have signed a non-binding letter of intent to consider moving the bookstore.

The meeting attracted students, faculty and neighbors who spoke, unanimously against the proposal.

The Wesleyan Argus has published an account of the meeting, and a Wespeaks editorial opposing the move.


  1. I remember the guys at Center Plan, NOT wanting a franchize to go into their building, after they renovated it, so luckily they got the Dialisis clinic. Those are beautiful, historic houses, which they could even turn into museums, which would be really nice to have in Middletown. They'll destroy the last block of gorgeous houses, to turn the place into an eyesore. Why don't they put the book store inside the bigger house, if they want a place for it? This way they would have their bookstore where they want it, and keep the block intact. As for the Starbucks & Chipotle, they could go to the the strip mall over where Staples is. Plenty of empty space there, which should be used, before destroying those beautiful, historical houses. I am shocked at the Mayor for being on the side of this future eyesore. We need to preserve these houses and protect them from future cancers like this proposed strip mall.

  2. Those are great points by Eloise. Where is our creativity and respect to work with and value the beauty that already exists? Has development really gotten to a point where it must smash everything in its way so that the site will accept the stamping in of generic architecture?

  3. We live in a unique community, a mix of ethnic heritages and histories.

    Cultural events,our beautiful riverfront, a constantly developing art scene and the creativity that has created a safe, welcoming environment for our children urge us to cherish places that have been placed in our stewardship by previous generations.

    The lack of careful planning can quickly remove precious memories from our lives. They will never be part of our scene again. Let us all be on our guard!

  4. This is offensive that is being called a strip mall Ed. That kind of language is turning the project into something it is not and is not very fair journalism.

  5. strip mall
    A shopping complex containing a row of various stores, businesses, and restaurants that usually open onto a common parking lot.

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

  6. This proposed development is not about what is good or right for Middletown and Wes, but rather about politics and money. CenterPlan is adept at both. Check out who is sponsoring fireworks at Middnight on Main.
    When Wash. St. was widened, it was designed to carry traffic....lots of it. At the same time ,it created a strong northern edge for Wesleyan. The proposed bookstore violates that intent and further violates the supporting City Plan of Devel and related zoning. Access to a bookstore should be a pleasant walking experience for students. That walking should, to the degree possible, strengthen the Wes/Main St. economic axis.Be vigilant, lest the City politicians rationalize this one toward approval. After all, it's only money and politics!

  7. Anon 6:23 thank you for the definition.

    Anon 5:29, easily offended, eh? What's more offensive is knocking down three historical structures and ruining a neighborhood.


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