Thursday, October 18, 2012

Politics Get Local

Update at 1:10pm:  My apologies for leaving out the 13th State Senate District candidates.

Former U.S. Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill coined the phrase, "all politics is local," referring to the connection between a politician's grasp of the issues and concerns of his or her constituents and said politician's success in office.  A diligent citizen could voice an opinion by calling each of the candidates, writing a letter or email, or even attending a campaign event.  But why not let the candidates come to you?

The Westfield Residents Association (WRA) is delighted to sponsor a Meet The Candidates Night this Monday, October 22nd, at 7:30pm at the Third Congregational Church on Miner Street.  Middletown voters will be casting ballots for a representative in the State House and Senate as well as a representative for the U.S. House and Senate.  Additionally, voters will decide on a $37M bond referendum to pay for construction costs associated with joining the Mattabesset regional sewer plant.

Everyone is welcome to attend: this is not a debate and there will be refreshments and Q&A time to allow you to present your concerns to your elected representatives and their challengers.  The following candidates have confirmed their attendance:

State House, 33rd       State Senate, 9th        State House, 100th               U.S. House, 3rd  
Joseph Serra (D)         Paul Doyle (D)          Matthew Lesser (D)             Rosa DeLauro (D) 
Callie Grippo (R)        Joe Dinunzio (R)       Deborah Kleckowski (R)    Wayne Winsley (R)

State Senate, 13th
Len Suzio (R)
Dante Bartolomeo (D)

Mayor Drew will also be present to speak on the bond referendum for the Mattabassett regionalization project as well as the $4.8M for the renovation of Eckersley Hall into a Senior Center.

There will be a brief WRA business meeting at 7pm to elect a new slate of officers for the WRA Executive Committee, and then Candidate introductions will begin at 7:30pm.

The Third Congregational Church is located at 94 Miner Street in Middletown, just down from the Fire Station on the corner of Miner Street and East Street (or 217).  The meeting will be held in the Fellowship Hall located next to the church.


  1. 5Please include Senator Suzio on this program, He accepted this invite weeks ago and it was confirmed.
    Anna Neumon, Campaign Manger, Suzio 2012

  2. Please also add Dante' Bartolomeo. Likewise, Dante' has confirmed her attendance and is looking forward to Monday's forum.
    Jared Savas, Campaign Director - Dante' for State Senate

  3. My apologies. I will make the change right now.


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