Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oddfellows Troupe To Perform In Plaza Middlesex Friday

From NCA Architects
Northeast Collaborative Architects (NCA) will host a special event on Friday, October 26 to celebrate Oddfellows Playhouse’s recent $50,000 Our Town Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The event will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. at NCA’s office at 500 Plaza Middlesex. Oddfellows Troupe will perform a sketch from Shakespeare in the Night, entitled "William Shakespeare's Land of the Dead: A True and Accurate Account of the 1599 Zombie Plague". The renovation project will be showcased, and cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.

NCA Managing Partner Jeffrey Dale Bianco, AIA said, “NCA is honored to design a cultural facility that will re-use Oddfellows Playhouse. The creative place making strategy will enhance Middletown’s cultural arts and improve the quality of life for all residents and businesses.”

“We are very appreciative of the work that the City of Middletown put into this project, as well as Northeast Collaborative Architects. Oddfellows Playhouse is incredibly proud to receive our first grant from the NEA for this project,” said Oddfellow Playhouse Executive Director Matthew Pugliese.

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