Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Help Keep Shakespeare Alive!

Oddfellows Playhouse is excited to announce that it is working with Kickstarter to help fund their ambitious and exciting Teen Repertory Company show:  William Shakespeare’s Land of the Dead:  True Account of the Zombie Plague of 1599.

Kickstarter is one of many “crowdfunding” social vehicles that exist online.  Kickstarter is all or nothing funding.  Backers pledge dollars towards a goal, and if the goal is reached, the funding is secured.   Oddfellows is working to secure at least $3,500 by Tuesday, October 30 towards their production.  Check out the campaign video here. (Note - this is not the cast of the show, but it is an amusing diversion for 2 minutes.)

William Shakespeare’s Land of the Dead: A True and Accurate Account of the 1599 Zombie Plague by John Heimbuch is a new and thrilling Teen Repertory Company production that is sure to get audiences jumping.   A relatively new play from last year’s NYC International Fringe Festival, it takes place backstage on the opening night of Shakespeare’s Henry V.   Dealing with drama behind the scenes becomes more complicated when an afflicted madman enters the Globe and attacks.  As the affliction spreads through London, the Globe is placed in quarantine and the survivors within must fight for their lives.

Donations would help us to support the cast of students (in grades 9-12) in the show.  Oddfellows provides scholarships to students—49% of our students last year—and funding allows Oddfellows Playhouse to continue to give kids access, education and training in the theatrical arts. Your donations also go to support all the individual artists and professionals who make this show possible.  Oddfellows uses local artists on all their productions and Land of the Dead.  

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