Monday, October 1, 2012

Fusion Opens In New Location!!!!

I am really excited about this. Once a week I make my way to some of the best pastries anywhere, right there on our Main Street. Every time I get there, it is a struggle deciding: will it be a croissant or a cheese danish? This morning my journey took me to the same patisserie, but in a new locale, Fusion Bakery & Patisserie has moved to Riverview Center, Suite 135, just down from Coldstone Creamery.

Jen McGuinness, pastry Chef and manager, made my pastry dilemma an easy one today, because just as we walked in, she put freshly made cheese danishes into the display case. Fusion's new space is three times the size of the bakery's previous location, and they have much more seating and now offer an expanded selection of coffee drinks. It was great to relax with the pastry, right in the bakery.

Besides the delicious pastries, Fusion now has something unique among Middletown eating establishments--spectacular morning sunshine. The Riverview Plaza offers views southeast clear across the river, and in the coming months the tables of Fusion will be a great place to get sunshine in the morning. I hope that in the spring we will be able to sit at tables on the plaza.

Fusion has been operating in our city since 2007, making all of their desserts from scratch. This morning I tried one of their cannoli, a Sicilian pastry, and it was delicious. The ricotta filling was light and not too sweet, a perfect breakfast food, if you ask me. I have heard rave reviews of their carrot cake, but I confess that I can never tear myself away from the croissants and Danishes.

Steve Pikos, owner and pastry chef, said he was very excited by what the new location would allow them to offer, "With more space, we'll be able to expand our menu and offer more cakes, tortes and tarts to accommodate walk-in customers." The new space maintains one of the best features of the old location, the mixers, ovens, and cake decorating stands are still right behind the counter. It is mesmerizing to watch a wedding cake being assembled and frosted.

Fusion Bakery & Patisserie is open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The bakery is closed on Sunday. More information, is on their webpage and on Facebook.


  1. Thanks for visiting us today! We really appreciate your business and this glowing review! We hope to see you soon!

  2. I am also exited about this and also make it a weekly treat to get a scone, muffin, or danish. The pastries are flaky as they should be, not just some bread with icing on it as some other places pass off as pastries. Eating a treat from Fusion every once in a while actually reduces the desire to eat the ho-hum desserts at other places. I find that I end up eating less sweets overall when I go for the quality stuff. The butter horns and honey snails are out of this world! Yay Fusion!

  3. And don't forget the no-flour chocolate cake and the chocolate bombe!

    Priscilla Meyer

  4. Congratulations on the new, enlarged space. It will be hard to resist the temptation coming through the wall and in through the door every day for the City Arts Office and Recreation Office located next door and just think of the temptations facing Haiti's Back Porch. They are wedged in between Coldstone Creamery and now Fusion. Help us all!

  5. Best wishes! I appreciate the farther walk, it helps burn off the delicious cake!

  6. For me, you've moved even closer to my home, which isn't so good for burning calories--but who cares! Your pastries are just fabulous. Loved the cannoli yesterday (and I am picky about cannoli), although nothing will replace your red velvet cupcake in my heart...except maybe the green tea creme brulee...or the maple tart...or....

  7. I'll miss the wonderful, tantalizing aromas on my frequent walks through Main St. Market, but I'm looking forward to checking out your new place. Congrats!


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