Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Buttonwood Tree Announces New Policy for Added Value

The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts & Cultural Center  (North End Arts Rising, Inc) is now offering their guests more bang for their buck. Paying patrons attending concerts may choose a book from their library to take home with them for free. While there are a few restrictions,  most of the nearly 2000 books they have are available. The Buttonwood Tree's used book store and Art Gallery are open daily. Mondays and Fridays 10 am to 10 pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays noon to 4 pm and weekends for events.

TONIGHT: From the Grand Ole Opry, tonight's performer, Misty Loggins, is a refreshing slice of the South for a Country-flavored show. The show will go until about 10 pm and all are welcome!

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