Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Coginchaug River Cleanup; Calling all Volunteers!

Join the fun, be part of a "source-to-sea" effort, and help clean the river! On September 29, 2012,
from 10 am to 12 pm, the Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District and Middletown Regional
Agricultural Science and Technology Center are leading a Coginchaug River cleanup at Veterans Park in Middletown. The cleanup is being held in conjunction with the Connecticut River Source to Sea Cleanup.

The City of Middletown Parks Department has generously offered to contribute gloves, garbage bags
and other supplies, and will help by disposing of trash and recyclables. Any additional donations from businesses to help with the cleanup, such as food and drinks for the volunteers, would also be very much appreciated.

Source to Sea Cleanup is an annual four-state community cleanup of the Connecticut River and tributaries coordinated by the Connecticut River Watershed Council. As a volunteer you will be one of thousands working watershed-wide on the same day to clean up our watershed. If you would like to participate as a volunteer or make a donation, please contact the Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District at (860) 346-3282, or email ctrivercoastal@conservect.org.

The Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District Inc., a nonprofit organization based in
Middletown, CT, works to conserve the natural resources of towns in the lower Connecticut River
watershed and coastal areas. For more information about District technical and educational programs and services, visit our website at www.conservect.org/ctrivercoastal.

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