Friday, September 14, 2012

Civil War Day At Mansfield House Tomorrow

From Pat Tully, President of the Board of the Middlesex County Historical Society.
The battle of Antietam took place 150 years ago this month. Several Middletown soldiers were killed in the battle, including General Joseph K. F. Mansfield. This Saturday, Sept. 15 the Middlesex County Historical Society is holding its annual Civil War Day at the Mansfield House (151 Main St.), from 10am-3pm. In the back garden there will be a group re-enacting scenes of military and civilian life 150 years ago, and a band performing Civil War-era music.

At 1pm on Saturday in the Mansfield House, Richard Slotkin, Olin Professor of American Studies (Emeritus) at Wesleyan, will speak on the subject of his recently published book, The Long Road to Antietam: How the Civil War Became a Revolution. In The Long Road to Antietam, Professor Slotkin reexamines the challenges that Lincoln encountered during the anguished summer of 1862, and re-creates the showdown between Lincoln and General George McClellan. He brings their ruinous conflict to life, demonstrating how their political struggle provided Robert E. Lee with his best opportunity to win the war, in the grand offensive that ended in September of 1862 at Antietam.

After the talk, Professor Slotkin will sign copies of his book. Please join us on what promises to be a beautiful day, and an enlightening talk.

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