Monday, August 20, 2012

Middletown Garden Club To Offer Plants At Wadsworth Mansion Open Air Market

The Middletown Garden Club will have a fall plant sale as part of the Wadsworth Mansion Open Air Market, Sunday, August 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Mansion, 421 Wadsworth St.

Admission to the Market is free and the event takes place rain or shine.

The club will be offering a variety of usual and unusual plants for the fall garden and landscape as well as divisions from members’ gardens. Shoppers can expect to find a selection of glorious perennials, including grasses and naturalizing mums. The club will also offer a selection of annuals for refreshing fall planters.

Bargain hunters should arrive early to shop the divisions section, where “tried and true” plants will be offered at a fraction of garden nursery prices. Club members will be on hand to offer advice on where to plant and what to expect from the divisions.

Whether you are adding to your fall landscape or planting with next year in mind, this sale is a must. Mid-August through mid-September brings perfect planting weather for many favorite New England plants.

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