Monday, May 7, 2012

Mayor Drew To Address Westfield Residents At Association Meeting Tomorrow

The Westfield Residents Association is hosting Mayor Dan Drew on Tuesday evening. Mayor Drew will address the neighborhood group, and answer questions. The meeting is free and open to anyone who is interested in issues of importance to Westfield.
Tuesday, May 8, 7:30PM (a brief WRA business meeting, and a break for refreshments, will occur before Mayor Drew's address)
Fellowship Hall, Third Congregational Church
94 Miner Street (one block from Westfield Fire Station on East Street)

The WRA was started in 1981, in part to stop a race track from being constructed on what became the Aetna property. The association has been engaged in virtually all land-use decisions in Westfield since then, as well as other issues such as parks maintenance and law enforcement.
[Disclaimer: I am vice-chair of the WRA executive committee.]

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