Monday, May 14, 2012

Displays Available for Public to Review Proposed Senior and Community Center

The Eckersley Hall Building Committee reports the completion of two exciting public displays presenting the proposed new Senior/Community Center for the Eckersley Hall Building. The displays with artist renderings are being used to educate the public about the plans for the site and building’s future design and the building amenities when completed.  The lower floor includes reception, dining area, game room, and staff offices.  Multi-purpose rooms, arts and crafts, library, and socialization rooms are on the upper floor.  Other drawings include modifications to the front entrance of the historic building, access to the lower level, and an outdoor patio/bocce area.

The poster displays can be viewed at two locations.  One set is at the current Senior Center, 150 Williams Street.  The second set of displays is at the Russell Library, 123 Broad Street.  A copy of the Eckersley Hall Building Committee Presentation before the Common Council is also available at the Information Services Desk on the second floor.

Russell Library Director Arthur Meyers is excited about housing the display at the Library. He pointed out “the Library is here to educate the public about the history of our city both past and into the future.  I hope the public spends some time studying these plans and learning more about the proposed new Middletown Senior/Community Center because of the positive impact it will have on the growing senior population in our community.” 

Anyone with comments or questions about these displays or the proposed Senior/Community Center can call Chair Ron Klattenberg (860) 604-1570 or Vice Chair, Phil Pessina, (860) 559-5211.


  1. The politicians first sold us to purchase this reck of a building for $800K and said it would cost "about" another $800K to renovate it. Now the taxpayers are looking a a $4.5 million project. For that kind of money we could build new in a central location. I have said this in the past. This purchase was nothing but a St Seb bailout by former Mayor Seb and company. Now we have this money pit of a building that will keep costing us more and more. When your dealing with taxpayers money our leaders really do not care as long as they get their agenda done. In this case bail out St Seb's.

  2. You have no idea what you are talking about!! You could not get a new building for less money!


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