Thursday, April 5, 2012

elm treeThe City of Middletown Urban Forestry Commission,
The Long Hill Estate Authority &
The Rockfall Foundation
Invite you to an
Arbor Day Celebration

To raise money for the restoration of trees at
the Wadsworth/Kerste DeBoer Arboretum
And the Wadsworth Mansion
Ted Esselstyn, co-founder of City Bench,
will be the guest speaker

Libations and hors d’oeuvres served
April 26, 2012
5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
$30.00 donation

RSVP by April 23rd
Wadsworth Mansion
421 Wadsworth Street
                                                                    860 347 1064

Storms Irene and Alfred left a trail of destruction throughout Middletown in 2011.

 The Wadsworth/Kerste deBoer Arboretum suffered damage or loss to over 20% of its  historic trees. The Wadsworth Mansion at Long Hill incurred thousands of dollars  in lost  trees, including 100-year-old oaks and pines.

The Wadsworth Legacy Tree Restoration Fund has been created to replant trees lost at these two historic landscape properties.  We will accept donations in any amount, with all funds devoted to planting and maintaining new trees at both sites. Donors can also select a tree from our wish list and dedicate it to an individual or organization.

Celebrate the start-up of this important fund with wine and hors d’oeuvres at Long Hill Estate on Thursday, April 26 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Ted Esselstyn, co-founder of City Bench, will speak about his company, which recycles city trees from all over Connecticut into museum-quality furniture. Wood from the Arboretum and from the Wadsworth Mansion at Long Hill has been used in his furniture.   

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