Thursday, March 15, 2012

ARTFARM's Toothpick Gardening


A Hands-On workshop in Starting your Vegetable Garden from Seeds

Saturday, March 17,

2 – 5 pm

at 218 Jackson Hill Road, Middlelfield

Led by Eleanor Poole and Sioux Wimler

Octogenarian Eleanor Poole, who is ‘the best gardener I know!”(says ARTFARM Artistic Director, Marcella Trowbridge) and homeschool wiz-mom, Sioux Wimler, will teach various techniques for starting your home garden from seeds.

These two experienced organic gardeners will share ideas from home-made seed pots to hand-mixed potting soil, as well as time lines for planting, natural and artificial lighting, when to move seedlings outdoors, and more!

This workshop should be a treat for the green-thumb and the greenhorn. Plan to bring home a spring start to some of your own summer veggies.

Please bring a $5 materials fee, a few small plastic containers and a note pad, and if you are inclined to bring a healthy potluck snack- we wouldn’t turn you down!

This workshop is nearly full. Please call or email to make sure there is still space. or 860.346.4390 (day of event, call 860.202.2872)

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