Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Middletown Planning, Conservation & Development Newsletter- February 17, 2012

Middletown Planning, Conservation & Development Newsletter- February 17, 2012
“Complete Streets and Bikeway Master Plan” for Middletown
The Jonah Center for Earth and Art invites the public to a forum on Middletown’s efforts to develop a comprehensive and detailed plan to make our city safer and more conducive for walking and bicycling. The program will be held on Tuesday, February 28, at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Room at First Church of Christ, Congregational, 190 Court Street, in Middletown.
The forum will begin with 3 short presentations. Kari Sullivan from the Connecticut Department of Education will describe programs like “Safe Routes to School” and how walking contributes to public health. Local cyclist and biking educator Beth Emery will explain how both cyclists and motorists can make our streets safer for all who use them. Middletown Engineer Tom Nigosanti will be available with maps and information regarding improvements such as sidewalks, off-street trails, and bike lanes.
The proposed $1 million multi-use trail connecting downtown Middletown, Wesleyan University, and the Wesleyan Hills neighborhood will also be described, but it is not the primary focus of this program. Those in attendance will have an opportunity to indicate their preferred routes for walking or cycling by using orange or green markers on a Middletown street map.
This event is free and pre-registration is not necessary. For more information, contact John Hall at 860-398-3771 or visit www.thejonahcenter.org and click on “send us a message.”
Local Economy-.Unemployment dropped to 6.6% for December 2011, dropping 2.5% in 24 months. The short-term outlook for employment has deteriorated. Hiring notices in Middletown are down 63% compared to a year ago. In the region they are down 66%. The employment index is still in positive territory, signaling potential reduction in the unemployment rate. The post holiday season is typically weaker, but the first quarter of 2012, based on 30 days of information seem to indicate significant weakness and any gains can be undone.
Housing- Foreclosures jumped 95% from the previous month, recent federal mortgage settlement may see increased foreclosures over the next few quarters. Building permits finish with the worst year since possibly the 1940s with only 26 single family permits issued. Down 88% since the peak in 2005. Housing values are stabilizing at historic trends.
Web Presence- Middletown’s web presence decreased by 9% on search engine hits.
Conservation Commission
Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 7:00 PM, Room 208
- Trail Guide
- Commission Vacancies.
- Roadside Vegetation Management
- Open Space Referendum
- Public Relations
- Collective Impact Network
- Riverfront Redevelopment
- Majestic Oak Estates
- Tynan Dog Park proposal. Councilman Todd Berch Presenting
Planning and Zoning Commission
Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 7:00 PM, Council Chambers
New Business
- corner of Grand Street and Woodward Avenue - Special Exception to construct a two-family dwelling - Carl Morello
- 871-895 Washington Street - one (1) lot resubdivision - Gofsco, LLC/Homer Scoville
Commission Affairs
- Mini workshop on Planning and Zoning Legal Standards
- Proposed amendment to Article V Election of Officers & Liaisons, Section I Bylaws
Economic Development Commission
Monday, February 13, 2012, 7:00 PM, Room 208
- Parking Garage Construction update
- Parking Improvements-North End-update
- Remington Rand-new windows, tank pull, boiler house demolition, new tenants
APPROVED- Middletown United Fathers Reverend Douglas E. Lawrence Community Garden-Letter of Intent to Renew Lease
- Tax & Business Incentive Program Applications
- Joseph Mylchreest, Inc.-157 Mill Street
- Harding Development Group-210 South Main Street
- Final Presentation Brownfield Assessment Planning Study
- Proposed consolidation of Connecticut River Estuary Regional Planning Agency and Midstate Regional Planning Agency
Citizens Advisory Committee
Wednesday, February 15, 2012, 7:00 PM, room 208
NO MOTIONS- Public Hearing - 2011 Amendments- $40,000 Small Business Assistance; $ 1,332 Program Administration
NO MOTIONS- 2012 CDBG Applications
2011 Apps Review Time Fees 2010 Apps
Year-to-Date 220 11 days $20,615 261
--- Approved 191 9 days $6,950
------- Public Hearing 20 41 days $5,540
------- Site Plan Review 171 6 days $1,250
--- Denied/Other 16 37 days $13,045
--- Open 12 NA $310
December 12 2 days $310 17
November 7 4 days $0 10
October 19 9 days $495 20
September 21 4 days $100 23
August 21 4 days $8,505 29
July 28 3 days $785 27
June 26 12 days $1,795 38
May 31 7 days $1,445 24
April 22 18 days $1,045 25
March 28 18 days $3,260 25
February 7 8 days $370 12
January 7 19 days $720 11

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