Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Middletown Fares Well With Malloy Education Funding Proposal

Governor Malloy has proposed a change in the Educational Cost Sharing formula, which determines how much money each municipality gets from the state. The changes, coupled with a proposed increase of $50M in ECS, will lead to increased funding for most municipalities.

The new formula includes a change in the definition of poverty, from Title I to Husky A, which is used for determining eligibility for the state's health care plan.

Our city would receive the 8th highest percentage increase in funding, out of the 169 towns and cities in the state. Our increase would be 4.78%, which translates to $148 per pupil, nearly $800,000 overall.

Some cities of comparable size did not fare as well, Wallingford would receive a 1.27% increase, and Meriden a 3.30% increase. The governor's home town of Stamford would receive the largest increase by far, 11.53%.

CTNewsJunkie and the Connecticut Mirror have more on the governor's plan. The full list of municipalities is HERE.

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