Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Family dance - this Saturday at Vinnie's!

Looking for something fun to do together as a family?

Come try our first ever Family Dance at Vinnie's!

Family dancing includes accessible, energizing, and interactive dances for folks of all ages. There will be circle dances, partner dances, trios, and so much more! Bring friends and family to join you at this fun community event. Healthy snacks will be provided. Taught by Jim Gregory.

* This is ideal for kids over age 5, but younger folks are welcome to come try it anyway!

Saturday, Jan 21st


$6 adults, $3 kids

Maximum price for a family is $20 - after that everybody is free!

More info on all our fun classes and events at www.vinniesjumpandjive.com.

You can also call 860 347 6971 ex 3777 or email trolle@chc1.com.

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