Saturday, December 31, 2011

Scenes from Middnight on Main

Middnight on Main 2012 New Year's Eve festival ( was a terrific family-friendly event, well organized and attended, with many excellent performances and happenings. Congratulations and thank you to Community Health Center, all of the sponsors, vendors, sites, volunteers, staff and performers. Here are a few photos from some of the many events on and around Main Street in Middletown tonight (since this only covers a fraction of all that was going on, I hope others can post their accounts and photos). Click on the photos to view a larger image:

model trains at Amato's toy store:
Primate Fiasco brass band at First Church parish hall - dance party!
 A huge crowd of people watched the fireworks on Main:
 It was great to have Main Street open to pedestrians:
Mamoun's falafel was there along with several other food trucks. 
Thanks to Green Street Arts Center for providing a warm place to eat and talk inside.
 LA 8 Sixty salsa band at Church of the Holy Trinity:
2012 ice sculpture by Larry Siragusa, in front of Citizen's Bank:
Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams ( put on an amazing standing-room-only roots-rock show in the First Church sanctuary:


  1. Jen, Lucy, Q and all involved in Middnight on Main you did a kick butt job! Incredible event!

  2. Middletown can be very proud of the festival. The effort put in by the organizers paid off as everyone had a great time at so many wonderful events. The venues were packed, the crowds reveled in the music, magic, matchmaking, and general merriment. I'm looking forward to next year. Thank you to the organizers and sponsors for a fantastic night on the town!

  3. too bad the actual middletown press didnt publish any pics in todays paper..

  4. Great job to everyone who planned the event and to all the volunteers!! It was a fun night!!

  5. Great coverage from the Eye, Courant and Patch- too bad the Press didn't notice the 6,000 people and fireworks on Main Street. Unfortunately the Press's print customers will miss what a great event this (and many others frequently not covered) was for all who attended and volunteers! Hats off to Lucy, Jen & Mark!

  6. Anon, I'm sorry but I deleted your comment by accident - and I'm sorry we couldn't make the price lower! Hopefully you knew that some of the events (and especially the fireworks) were free, and that we had a small discount for those who bought their buttons earlier. Here's what you wrote:

    Our family would have enjoyed the event, but it was too far out of our price range. We would have had to pay $90 for the entire family to get buttons. I am hoping that maybe next year the price can be much lower.

  7. The Press did publish an online story with photos and video on Jan 2. About the price, perhaps a bigger discount for multiple children's tickets?


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