Saturday, December 24, 2011

Menorah Lighting Tonight

Union Park, Corners of Main and Pleasant Street, Middletown, CT, FREE

The Chabad Jewish Center has announced plans to host a free, open-to-all holiday event at Union Park in Middletown. The program, celebrating the festival of Chanukah, will be held on the fifth evening of the holiday – Saturday, December 24, at 7:00pm. Union Park is located at the Corner of Main Street and Pleasant Street, across from Rite Aid.

In addition to the kindling of a giant, 9-foot Menorah candelabra, hot cider and warm potato “Latkes” (pancakes) will be served. There will also be festive music and free raffles. The whole community of the Jewish faith or otherwise is invited & welcome to this special celebration, free of charge!

For more information regarding this program, or Chanukah in general, please call Rabbi Yosef Wolvovsky at (860) 659-2422, email

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