Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Eleemosynary" To Be Considered For Broad Street

The first business meeting of the new P&Z term was a short one, over in less than half an hour. The new Chair, Richard Pelletier, gavelled the meeting to order and led the proceedings, and newly elected Secretary Joyce Rossiter read the agenda. They were joined by Molly Salafia and Mike Johnson, newly elected regular members, Beth Emery and Gary Faraci, newly elected alternates, returning regular members Nick Fazzino, Dan Russo, and Les Adams, and returning alternate Ken McClellan. Fazzino is the new vice-chair of the Commission.

Godfrey Library Zoning Code Text Change Approved
The Godfrey Memorial Library, a nationally-renowned, publicly accessible genealogical research libary, applied for a change in the code. Under the new text, which was approved by The Commission, "Libraries, museums, and similar institutions of non-commercial nature" would be allowed in the Multi-Family (M) zone. This language change means that the Godfrey is no longer "non-conforming", allowed only by virtue of preceding the original zoning regulations. The Godfrey now will have less of a hurdle to cross for approval to changes on their lot.

In response to a question from McClellan, Deputy City Planner Michiel Wackers explained that any organization that wished to open a new library or museum in the M zone would need to come before Planning and Zoning for the special exception approval.

Towing and Repair business, Johnson Street
The Commission approved the placement of a trailer on a property at 167 Johnson Street. Charles Marano, owner of Untouchable Towing, said that he wanted to put security cameras in the trailer, to monitor the property. The cameras would reduce his insurance expenses.

Commissioner Salafia asked about the nature of the trailer, and added language to the approval which specified that it would be an "office trailer". The Commission approved Marano's application.

Saint Sebastian Application Scheduled for Public Hearing
151 Broad Street, owned by the Catholic Diocese of Norwich, is the subject of an application for a new use, that of an "Eleemosynary & Philanthropic". This is a change from its current use as "religious/educational".

According to Wiktionary, as an adjective Eleemosynary means "relating to charity, alms, or almsgiving", and as a noun it means "a beggar".

The application was scheduled for a public hearing on January 11th. Stay tuned to The Eye for more on what "eleemosynary" means in the context of Zoning.

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