Friday, December 23, 2011

Asset Message of the Week(s)

Hi folks, I neglected to put last week's Asset Message on the Eye so here are our last two. Have a great holiday weekend.

Middletown Youth Services Bureau: Asset Message of the Week - "The Ask": Some of you know that I’m involved with a “Young Leaders” group based out of the Middlesex United Way. As we were planning a social event fo...

Middletown Youth Services Bureau: Asset Message of the Week - Survey Reflections: Last week, we went through the process of resurveying Middletown youth using the Search Institute’s Profiles of Student Life survey. The adm...

1 comment:

  1. The Ask is a very nice message, thank you for posting. Being a teenager is a very tough time. I will never forget how hard it was for me and I appreciate being reminded that kids need adults to listen to them, respect them, and include them.


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