Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Friday: Deck the Mansfield House

From the Middlesex County Historical Society

Step back in time at the General Joseph Mansfield House and help decorate it for the holidays. Children will be able to make ornaments to put on the tree, hear holiday stories, and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate at an old fashioned open house on Friday, November 25 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm as part of downtown Middletown’s Holiday on Main Street. Adults, of course, are welcome to view the exhibits Hard & Stirring Times: Middletown and the Civil War and Within These Walls: One House, One Family, Two Centuries, the story of the Mansfield House and the family who occupied it. Tours will be led by costumed guides who will tell of the scenes that occurred in the house at 151 Main Street.

The open house will also feature the opportunity to participate in holiday gift drawings. Admission to the open house is free and all are welcome. This event is sponsored by the Middlesex County Historical Society, which is headquartered in the Mansfield House. No advance reservations are necessary. For further information contact the Society at 860-346-0746.

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