Thursday, November 10, 2011

Democracy Matters Wes Group Invites Public to Attend

My name is Olivia Horton and I'm the president of the Wesleyan chapter of Democracy Matters, which is a national non-profit organization dedicated to campaign finance reform and political accountability. I would like to invite you to attend an event we are co-hosting with the Occupy Wesleyan group next Wednesday, November 16th at 6:30pm. The event will be held on the Wesleyan campus in the Public Affairs Center in room 004. We will be offering pizza for dinner at the beginning of the event. (I have attached a PDF of the flier for the event if you'd like to view that as well.)

The event will first feature a talk by the Executive Director of Democracy Matters, Joan Mandle, on political activism. She will be speaking from her position at the head of a national political advocacy organization about how we can effectively enact change in our government.

Following her talk, we hope to facilitate a discussion about the ideals upon which our government was founded, the nature of our current system, and the discrepancies between the two. Finally, we will talk about methods and strategies we can utilize to bridge the gap and improve our government.

We at Democracy Matters and Occupy Wesleyan urge you to attend and contribute to the discussion. Please spread the word within the community and invite anyone you believe might be interested.

We hope to see you there!
Olivia Horton
Wesleyan Class of 2014

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