Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dante and Shakespeare Reimagined by Incarcerated Men and Women

Seachanges" and "A Night at the Purgatory Pub":

Dante and Shakespeare Reimagined by Incarcerated Men & Women

Thursday, Dec. 1

7:00 p.m.
to 9:30 p.m.

CFA Hall

Wesleyan University Center for the Arts

Free and open to the public

Students in "Activism and Outreach," taught by Wesleyan professor of
Theater Ron Jenkins, will perform short pieces written by incarcerated men
who collaborated with them in an investigation of Shakespeare’s “Tempest”
and Dante’s “Inferno.” Also performing works inspired by Dante and
Shakespeare will be three women who have recently been released from the
York Correctional Institute where they worked with Jenkins and his
students in past years.

A post-performance panel discussion will feature Erika Tindill, chair of
the State Pardon and Parole Board, as well as the three former residents
of York CI, who now work as teaching assistants in the Wesleyan Theater
department’s prison outreach courses.

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