Thursday, October 27, 2011

Yoga Studio Open House on Saturday

Many people who want to do yoga are not able to because their bodies can’t do extreme poses. A welcome alternative is now available at Yoga Possibilities, a studio in Middletown that offers 3 styles of yoga, as well as NIA movement classes. Each style is accessible to just about every body type, no matter your size, age, level of flexibility or fitness. Yoga Possibilities emphasizes the immediate sense of well-being and ease gained by a consistent practice. Their approach is gentle, thorough, and easy for almost everyone.

The studio is hosting an Open House for newcomers to yoga, as well as for experienced practitioners, on Saturday October 29th from 8:30 am – 4:30 p.m. at their beautiful location at 91 Beverly Hts. in Middletown, CT.

There will be seven classes, the first beginning at 9:00 a.m., and continuing throughout the day. Each 30 to 45 minute sample class offers a full yoga experience. Classes are discounted at $5.00 for this event in order to allow everyone to experience the different styles of classes and teachers at the studio. All are welcome to come in for classes, tea, and to speak with the yoga instructors. Details about the schedule are available online at:

Classes at the Open House are a great way for you to try yoga and see for yourself the wonderful benefits yoga consistently offers. You will discover how good your body can feel when free of its habitual tension. “Our students rave about how great they feel,” explains Elizabeth McKenty, owner of Yoga Possibilities. “New students consistently tell me how much more relaxed they are after just a few classes.” The classes will include key poses that reliably release tension held in the back, neck and shoulders. Once free of those tensions, students are able to experience being comfortable in their bodies and relaxed in their minds.

The three styles offered at Yoga Possibility are called Svaroopa®, Yin and Hatha Yoga. While different in their approach, each of these styles is gaining in popularity all over the nation, especially with people who can’t tolerate the more rigorous “power” styles of yoga. Teachers at Yoga Possibilities have received extensive training in anatomy and physiology. They are recognized for their compassionate approach to each student and their attention to precise alignment, and are careful not to ask people to push themselves into poses that their bodies can’t handle.

The Open House is also a great way to get ready for the weeks ahead. Elizabeth further explains that “along with taking care of aches, pains and stress, yoga can be your best ally to experience the upcoming holidays with lots of energy and good cheer. What a gift for yourself and your family!” Information about new weekly classes and an upcoming workshop dedicated specifically for you to prepare your mind and your body for the holiday season is also available on the studio website.

Registration for this event is recommended. Call Yoga Possibilities at 860-670-4880 or email Please arrive early to settle in. No admittance after class has started. Every class at the open house is suitable for beginners as well as experienced practitioners.

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