Saturday, October 22, 2011

Elk's Lodge Children's Halloween Party Open to Public

Dear Community;

Remember last year’s Middletown Elks Halloween Party?
Then you know that this year will be just as fun, if we again get the community’s support!!!

The Middletown Elks youth committee is currently seeking volunteers to help decorate, man tables, hand out candy, dress up and help us get the word out to make this an event to remember.

We started this annual event last year due to the constant fear for the children of our community’s wellbeing, since many of us think twice about sending our children out for Trick or Treating now a days .

Last year we had over 800 kids and their parents come through our “Haunted Crystal Ballroom” to celebrate Halloween in a safe and fun venue. This year we want to make it 1,000. So, bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and neighborhood kids to our Safe Halloween Party at HAUNTED Crystal Ball Room for trick or treating, music, games and FUN!!!

Contact David Greaves, D.D.G.E.R @ 860-205-8055 or the Middletown Elks Lodge 771 @ 860-346-9771
for more information


David A Greaves, D.D.G.E.R
Middletown Elks Lodge 771


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