Saturday, September 24, 2011

50th Anniversary of Italian-American Civic Order

The Italian-American Civic Order (IACO) will hold a formal dinner on Saturday, October 1st at the Italian Society Banquet Hall on 72 Court Street in Middletown to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its establishment. The IACO, which has its headquarters at 550 Arbutus Street in Middletown, is the oldest continuous Italian club in Middlesex County. Festivities will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will include music, hors d'oeuvres, dinner and a cash bar. Chairman for the event is Attorney Joe Milardo with the remaining founding members, J.J. Vinci, Sr., Atty. Carl Fortuna and Jesse Salafia, acting as Honorary Chairmen.

The event will include a short program moderated by Joseph J. Vinci, Jr. and will feature the presentation of a Proclamation from the City of Middletown by Mayor Sebastian Giuliano. State Representative Joe Serra, State Sen. Paul Doyle, State Sen. Len Suzio, and other state and local dignitaries and candidates for office from each political party will be recognized. Tickets are $60 each and are available at the law office of Attorney Milardo (860-347-4686), or from Lou Aresco, President of the IACO, or at the IACO club hall at 550 Arbutus Street in Middletown. Reservations are required.

The IACO is a nonpolitical organization. It was formed in 1961 and some of the purposes for its formation, as stated in its By-Laws, include giving primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life; encouraging in our daily lives the golden rule in all human relationships; promoting the adoption and the appreciation of higher social, business and professional standards, developing by precept and example a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship; providing a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render true service and to build a better community; cooperating in creating and maintaining sound public opinion and higher idealism to make possible an increase in righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will among all mankind.

The IACO sponsors monthly dinners and cultural events at its building on Arbutus Street for its members and friends. It is assisted in its endeavors by its Ladies Auxiliary.

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