Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene Leaves a Trail of Downed Trees on Long Lane

Some images below of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Irene at the Wadsworth-Kerste deBoer Arboretum along Long Lane. One neighbor said she'd counted 29 downed trees. The last four photos are from a property near the intersection of Pine and Wadsworth, about 500 meters east of the Arboretum. Some trees seem to have snapped midway up.


  1. I'm thinking that there was a microburst in the south-end of town. I'm just to the east of Long Lane and we have a lot of large trees down. Many tree tops are twisted, and snapped off. A huge mess.

    We'll get there though.

  2. I'm really freaked out and sad about this. These trees very important to me and my family.

    I hope we can come together to replant and rehabilitate the arboretum. If anyone has any information on what's going to happen, I'd really appreciate an e-mail to taxine at yahoo dot com.


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