Thursday, July 21, 2011

Live Shot From the Green

On my morning walk through downtown, I was surprised to see a normally empty South Green filled with activity.

I saw Art Farm director Marcella Trowbridge, dressed all Shakespearean-like, and I asked what was going on.

It seems that WTNH, channel 8, has been traveling to town greens throughout its broadcast area, and doing live morning weather reports with Gill Simmons.

This morning it was Middletown's turn.  Along with Trowbridge, who was promoting the final weekend of Shakespeare's Argument at Shakespeare in the Grove at Middlesex Community College, some young dancers from Wesleyan's Center for Creative Youth summer program were working on some moves.

I expect the park will be as empty as always, tomorrow, but I left today with a recyclable Channel 8 shopping bag and water bottle.

1 comment:

  1. Marcella was not lying about the breeze! I was at the Grove for the performance this evening. The heat was felt for sure, but the shade and breeze really made it quite pleasant.


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