Sunday, June 19, 2011

From 1911: Middletown High School Graduation

The following is an excerpt from an article published 100 years ago this week, appearing in the Hartford Courant on June 15, 1911. Middletown High School graduation this year is on Tuesday, June 21.
Diplomas Presented by President Shanklin
Sixty-four members of the class of 1911 at the Middletown High School received their diplomas yesterday afternoon at the hands of President William Arnold Shanklin of Wesleyan University. The graduating exercises were held in the Middlesex Theater and were opened with prayer by Rev. E. Campion Acheson, rector of Holy Trinity Church. After the address of welcome by Superintendent of Schools William A. Wheatley, Miss Agnes Macray Donnollan read an essay on "Waiting Glories" and Archibald Stuart Alsop, on "Civic Development in Middletown." After a pleasing clarinet solo by Albert Knowles Dickinson, Miss Bessie Clark Wilcox spoke on "Scenes from High School Life," followed by Louis Wetherbee Pitt on "Middletown in History." Miss Agnes Coe Smith followed with "A Singer of Songs" and the valedictory address, after a vocal solo by Albert Lord Smith. The diplomas were then presented by President Shanklin, after which the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Hiram Wooster Smith, pastor of the Universalist Church.

Central School Graduation
The graduating exercises at the Central Grammar School will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30, in the high school hall. A class of eighty will receive diplomas.

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