Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Berlin Street Couple Arrested For Risk of Injury to Minors

From the Middletown Police Department

On June 3rd, Jessie Meeks was arrested on a warrant for the above charges.  On June 6th Andy Meeks turned himself in on an active warrant.  Mr. and Mrs. Meeks were arrested on warrants from an incident that occurred on April 15, 2011.  Mr. Meeks contacted the police because he and his wife were having a verbal argument.  

Once officers entered the Meeks’ home they found it to be without heat, in a complete shambles and filthy.  There was also a strong odor of urine in the home.  Five children were in the home and found to be malnourished and also had obviously not a bath in several days.  The ages of the children ranged from five months to 6 years of age.  The five month old had the appearance of a newborn and had visible skin irritations.  The five-month old and the one-and-a-half year old were brought to the hospital. The five month old was later flown to CCMC. The other three children were immediately taken into DCF custody. 

The Middletown Animal Control Officer also removed a dog from the home.

Andy Meeks age 28
71 Berlin St.
Middletown, CT

Charges:  Risk of Injury to Minor 5 counts
                 Cruelty to Persons 5 counts 

Jessie Meeks age 23
71 Berlin St
Middletown, CT

Charges:  Risk of injury to minor 5 counts
                 Cruelty to persons 5 counts

Court Date:  6/15/2011
Bond:  $150,000.00

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