Monday, April 11, 2011

Student-Athletes Host Recess at Wesleyan

From Olivia Drake, photo by Cora Lautze, Wesleyan University

More than 100 students from Woodside Intermediate School in Cromwell, Conn. joined Wesleyan University student-athletes on April 7 for an hour-long “recess.” Three play stations were set up inside Wesleyan’s Bacon Field House, allowing groups of 3rd-5th grade students from Woodside to interact with the Wesleyan students in kickball, capture-the-flag, green light/red light and basketball.

At left, rugby team member Daniele Packard ’13 and wrestler Howard Tobochnik '13 shout to students during a game of capture-the-flag.

1 comment:

  1. Guess there were no kids from Middletown available, eh?


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